Do you need a part delivered to the quay?
We offer an express road freight service using dedicated vehicles which can be planned to deliver to your ship agent at the port of arrival.
Delivery can be planned for a specific date time slot in advance or in urgent cases, asap.
This service is available within the European Union member states.
In the case you have shipped a part from a third country to Europe, we can arrange customs clearance at the airport of arrival, collect the part and deliver it to the port of arrival.
Contact us and explain your situation to us, then we can start to advise and offer you the solution which will meet your requirements.
If you like our solution, send us an order by e-mail.
Upon receipt of your order confirmation, our team will get to work.
Our team will track the process of the work, dispaatch and delivery.
Providing you with updates by e-mail to you.
Once the task has been completed, we will send you a final confirmtion report.